wausau high school 1939

Wausau High School 1939: A Look Back in Time
Wausau High School 1939 was a time of change and growth for the school and the community. As the country was recovering from the Great Depression and preparing for the impending World War, the high school was also evolving.
What is Wausau High School 1939?
Wausau High School 1939 was the name of the high school in Wausau, Wisconsin during the year 1939. It was a time of great change for the school, as new programs were added and the student body grew.
History of Wausau High School
Wausau High School was established in 1890 and was originally located in a small building downtown. As the city grew, so did the school, and it moved to a larger building in 1905. In 1939, the school was located on Grand Avenue and had approximately 1,500 students.
Academic Programs
In 1939, Wausau High School offered a wide range of academic programs for its students. Courses included English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages. Additionally, vocational courses such as business, agriculture, and home economics were available.
Extracurricular Activities
The high school also offered a variety of extracurricular activities for its students. Sports teams included football, basketball, track, and tennis. There were also clubs for drama, music, and debate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What was the student body like in 1939? A: In 1939, Wausau High School had approximately 1,500 students.
Q: What kind of extracurricular activities were available to students in 1939? A: Students in 1939 had a variety of extracurricular activities to choose from, including sports teams and clubs for drama, music, and debate.
Q: What kind of academic programs were offered at Wausau High School in 1939? A: Wausau High School in 1939 offered a wide range of academic programs, including English, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages, as well as vocational courses such as business, agriculture, and home economics.
Wausau High School 1939 was a time of growth and change for the school and the community. As the country was recovering from the Great Depression and preparing for war, the high school was expanding its academic and extracurricular offerings. Today, Wausau High School continues to provide a high-quality education for its students, building on the legacy of those who came before.